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You can order or make an enquiry online and pick up and pay in the shop, and view the book before purchasing. We ship to most places in the world. We only use tracked services to post books.
Please note: most of our listed books are not stored in our Charing Cross Road shop, but can be brought there for viewing by appointment if you arrange this with us beforehand. Please contact us before just dropping in to avoid a wasted trip.
Postage rates:
Books up to 1 kg (normal size books):
UK: From £5.50 2nd class to £7.00 1st class, signed for within the UK
EU: £18.00 tracked and signed within Europe
EU Customers - Please note: Until 1 July 2021, goods sent to the EU may be subject to import VAT and may incur a handling fee in the receiving country.USA: £18.50 tracked to USA
Rest of the World: from £24.00 tracked / tracked & signed to Canada, Asia, Australia and most international destinations
We post to most anywhere in the world, with a few exceptions.
Books weighing over 2 kg (UK) and over 1 kg (international) will cost more and will be charged accordingly - please contact us for an estimate on postage costs if you would like to know these before purchasing. We can discount these rates for smaller books and pamphlets, and will combine books to reduce shipping costs where we can.

Open 7 days a week:
Monday to Saturday 11.30 am to 7.30 pm
Sunday 11.30 am to 6.30 pm
+44 020 7836 3697
(we can't always answer the phone if the shop is busy)
56 Charing Cross Road