What people are saying about us
The Guardian: "10 of the best: Secondhand Bookshops" :

Time Out: "London Shopping Guide; Covent Garden" :

The Reader is Warned: "Top Second Hand Bookshops in London" :

The shop is open 10:30-21:30 everyday and the staff are always excited and helpful which makes it a perfect visit anytime of day.”

The City Story: "Any Amount of Books Feels Like Wonderland" :

Stepping into the store for the first time felt oddly like coming home. It’s the kind of place you walk into, get hit with the beloved scent of old books, and cannot help but smile. It has floor-to-ceiling bookshelves overflowing with beautifully kept tomes and cheerful, knowledgeable staff. There are a few people wandering up and down the store, and the division between the new and the regulars is apparent. The new talk in murmurs, as if afraid to break the intimate silence of the books around them. The regulars laugh together, occasionally calling out jokes to the owner who sits behind the desk.”
A Peace in London: "5 Quiet Second Hand Bookshops in London" :

It’s hard to imagine that perfect silence and unique charm could be sought anywhere near Leicester Square, but this slightly dishevelled – and perfectly endearing – shop has achieved it.”
Londonist: "Biblio-Text: Any Amount of Books" :

To this Londonista, Any Amount of Books (AAOB), is probably the best second-hand bookshop there is (and the Guardian seems to agree with us); the proof being in the amount of money left behind over the years and the silly number of books cluttering furnishing our small garret, most of which come from AAOB.Let it be said, however, that the ire of our bank manager is not warranted by the price of the books, which are very reasonably priced, especially for central London. Many a bargain was had by this collector of modern first editions. Several times a year, the basement stock will be put on sale with all books going at £1 (our visit took place soon after one such event, the shelves being usually very well stocked).”

Open 7 days a week:
Monday to Saturday 11.30 am to 7.30 pm
Sunday 11.30 am to 6.30 pm
+44 020 7836 3697
(we can't always answer the phone if the shop is busy)
Open 7 days a week:
Monday to Saturday 11.30 am to 7.30 pm
Sunday 11.30 am to 6.30 pm
+44 020 7836 3697
(we can't always answer the phone if the shop is busy)
General enquiries: shop@anyamountofbooks.com
Online sales enquiries: sales@anyamountofbooks.com
56 Charing Cross Road